Easiest Way to Make Tasty Yogurt pancakes

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Yogurt pancakes. Yogurt Pancakes Recipe photo by Taste of Home. Great pancake yogurt recipe?? but the trick to making the batter like a pancake batter with the yogurt added is to add more water until your batter is. Yogurt pancakes are fluffy, a snap to whip together, and a great way to work some extra nutrition into the most important meal of the day.

Yogurt pancakes These Greek yogurt pancakes aren't your standard pancakes. They are delicate and go down easy (you'll have to try them to know what I mean). These Fluffy Greek Yogurt Pancakes pack an added protein punch thanks to their all-star dairy addition and they're made with a. You can cook Yogurt pancakes using 4 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Yogurt pancakes

  1. It's 1 cucchiaio of yogurt vegetale o quello che preferite.
  2. Prepare 50 gr of farina tipo 2 (o farina di farro,o farina 00).
  3. It's 70 gr of latte vegetale o quello che preferite.
  4. It's 1/3 cucchiaino of lievito per dolci oppure bicarbonato.

Substitute the plain Greek yogurt for any kind of flavored Greek yogurt (strawberry, blueberry, etc) Add blueberries or chocolate chips to the pancake batter. Add a dollop of whipped cream to the. These Greek yogurt pancakes are thick, delicious, and have only four (!!) ingredients. This Greek Yogurt Pancakes recipe is a bit lighter than your usual pancake recipe.

Yogurt pancakes instructions

  1. Metti in mixer o nel boccale del Bimby tutti gli ingredienti, e frulla 1min vel 5 fino ad ottenere una crema liscia..
  2. Porto sul fuoco una padella antiaderente e aspetto che si scaldi bene. Appena la padella è calda abbasso il fuoco e versa un cucchiaio di impasto per volta nella padella fino a esaurire tutto l’impasto..
  3. Copri con un coperchio e cuoci per 2-3 minuti. Gira i pancake e cuoci per un altro minuto. Mettili uno sopra l’altro per mantenere l’umidità mentre li preparate tutti. Io li ho decorati con crema di datteri e cacao (trovi la ricetta nel mio profilo) e nocciole..

Watch the video showing you how to make Greek Yogurt Pancakes, then scroll to the bottom of this post and print out. These yogurt pancakes are quick, easy and delicious! This yogurt pancake goes on the list of winners, along with peanut butter banana pancakes and bacon pancakes!! Whisk yogurt in a bowl until smooth creamy; add egg and whisk to combine. Whisk flour and baking soda together in a bowl; add to yogurt mixture and stir until smooth.